The Cherry Picker
The Cherry Picker
After Dark | Ranking the James Bond Franchise (Part 1) | PATREON PREVIEW
🍸 This is a preview of the first 53 minutes. The full episode is a Patreon exclusive, and can be accessed by supporting Zack Cherry (The Cherry Picker Podcast) on Patreon. Details below.
In this month's episode of The Cherry Picker After Dark, we are stepping away from the horror genre and Ranking The James Bond Franchise. This is a pretty extensive ranking, as there are 25 official movies. Therefore, this will be broken up into two parts. This month we will be ranking movies 1-14, covering the Sean Connery, George Lazenby, and Roger Moore eras.
As well as us providing our own individual rankings, we will also be deciding which character from the first 14 movies is the most deserving to die. So please remember to help us vote on the Instagram, YouTube, and Patreon polls.
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Available to all Patreon supporters on the Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, and Ghostface tiers.
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